Sunday, August 10, 2008

If green means go, then red means....

Our family shared in the excitement of purchasing a Massey-Ferguson Tractor this past spring. Since the blessed delivery day, this red gem has experienced the following technical difficulties: (1) Blinker lights not functioning, (2) Gas gauge does not work, (3) fuel filter/gas tank clogged with what was first classified as “bad diesel” by our oh-so-suave tractor dealer. The tractor recently returned from the shop after the first attempt to clean the fuel filter failed miserably. Now, before the latest repair shop visit, the tractor dealer returned the tractor, deeming it repaired, before it promptly died in the back pasture during its first mow following its “repair.” The tractor dealer, a seemingly nice man who addressed this problem only after I practically phone stalked him, including a call to his wife, and Dad appeared in person at the tractor dealership to convey his disappointment, originally blamed our fuel problems on “bad diesel” certainly purchased by us and absolutely not related to the diesel in the tank from his dealership when it was delivered. When he finally picked up the tractor again, this time to steam the gas tank, he called Dad to report that apparently Massey-Ferguson is going to probably have to recall our particular tractor model because the factor that made the fuel tanks (in India) apparently shipped tanks full of fuel and the fuel molded and clogged all the systems in these models. The tractor was in the shop for over two weeks...and during this time, the grass continued to grow. Apparently, our tractor dealer apologized profusely, insisting that he wanted us to enjoy our tractor. Well, I’m bitter. I should identify our dealer or perhaps even provide a link to his website, but, in the interests of avoiding litigation (only a mild deterrent for me), I will say merely this: Nothing runs like a Deere.

Update: The tractor is back and running perfectly…something we expected from a brand new tractor.


Chance said...

Ah ... Hope that it is all right with you: today I am linking to your blog my friend. With nearly $3k spent on a Saturn in 1999, I was 30,000 miles along when the engine went flooey... so I relate entirely!! Saturn & the dealership blew me off and since I am "man-less", they would not even let me into the conference on the car's problems (even though when I was married, I had run a high end service station!!). I say man-less because had I a brother or male with me I doubt they would have tried that tactic. The car was 1 month out of all warranties due to it's age and my own health issues, meaning I was not putting much mileage on the vehicle each year. Chin up - we are all in that proverbial leaky boat. Regards, C

Res Ipsa said...

Your comment definitely inspired my automobile entry...