Sunday, August 10, 2008

4th at the Farm!

On the 4th of July, Joshua and I hosted a BBQ with some fireworks for family and friends. We had a wonderful time and hope to make it an annual event. For the sake of brevity, I will share only the pictures! Hope to do it again next year!

Emily and Lindsay....roomies and farm girl wannabes.
The family getting a tour of the barn. I just love Joshua's Grandad Jim in this picture...hands on his hips, so very Grandad Jim.

Emily and our family friend, Big Al, petting Sophie...

Big Al trying to sweet talk one of the girls....

Our friend, Cheri, enjoying a hamburger in an oh-so-ladylike fashion....

Meme and Papa chatting with Emily and Lindsay....

The Hulls! I love that Alvin found a friend immediately in Joshua's cousin, Clara.

(From left), Joshua's Aunt Diane, his Grandma Sue, and his Grammy Evelyn...

Joshua's aunt Diane and cousin, Olivia---Notice that her little brother, Ian, had to figure out a way to get in the picture!

Mom and our friend, Cheri, enjoying the 4th! I love this picture!

Lindsay, throwing like a total girl....

Dad playing ball with Joshua's cousin, Forrest...

Dad, Emily, and Lindsay smiling (and sweating) in the front yard. Classy lawn chairs, ladies!

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