Monday, April 7, 2008

Hard Work, Heavy Hearts

This past Saturday, my family, including Emily's sweetheart, Dustin Curzon, gathered together for some healthy distraction at the Farm. We just spent some time being silly together. For those of you following our story, this past week has been an emotional struggle as we learned of Jordan's diagnosis. We celebrated Dad's birthday by tilling our garden with Dad's brand new rototiller and planting some seeds in our garden. Despite our heavy hearts, we certainly enjoyed some Farm Fellowship, Agri-Therapy, if you will.... a hat. I have rarely seen this in my life, and I felt we should preserve it for posterity.

Dad's birthday present...Notice Dad is wearing an OU visor, a TU sweatshirt, and underneath that, he has on a KU T-Shirt. I guess he wanted to make certain that he didn't offend any party present.
Dustin tilling the garden. Dad also had him help shovel manure. What a way to spend your weekend home from college! He was such a good sport!

Emily earning her keep

Mom channeling her inner Farm girl

Emily climbing a tree. Don't pretend like I didn't have to hoist her up there just for this picture.
Joshua mowing between the fruit trees in his cowboy hat....

Emily cruising the Farm on the lawn mower....

1 comment:

Mom said...

Everytime I come to the farm I seem to wear the same shirt.