Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blogging Up Baby

This past Friday, we had our follow-up appointment to check on the progress of Pistachio Almond Allison. Before the appointment, I started fretting that I might have to do another urine test, so I drank about a gallon of water en route to the doctor’s appointment. When I finally arrived, I was in a bad way, but my doctor was “in surgery” (which I think is code for “She slept through her alarm clock” or “She’s playing Solitaire in the back”). We ended up sitting around for about an hour and half during which time I could have successfully deposited about fifteen samples.
The nurse finally called my name, and Mom, Joshua, and I went back to have our ultrasound. I think that my reaction to the entire process was this: Oh, the indignity of it all and it is only just beginning. Before they took me back, the nurse forced me to take a urine test, weighed me, took my blood pressure, took my temperature, and then handed me a sheet of paper about testing my unborn child for literally every possible horrible disorder that might cause any first time mother to fly into a panic. Just as I am beginning to come to terms with the fact that I am with child, I suddenly have to decide immediately whether my child should be tested to see if its organs are growing outside its body. I mean, is it too much to ask for just a simple “Congratulations?” Afterwards, they cram us all in a tiny exam room and hand me a gown I could have camped underneath. Since this is a family blog, I am going to fast forward through the next part of my exam, but keep in mind, I have no dignity left.

My doctor worked really hard to get a nice picture of Pistachio, but I must confess that they all just looked like a blurry blob to me. Mom took one of the pictures to work to show off her grandblob. Here is what we do know: The doctor thinks little Pistachio is not as far along as first expected. Apparently, I am only about 7-8 weeks along which makes Pistachio’s new due date September 17, 2009. Pistachio had a heart rate of about 157 and is currently about 8 centimeters long.

After the ultrasound, the doctor sent me downstairs to do “some blood work,” (Translation: Suck 9 viles of blood sucked from my already starving body). I pretty much passed out in the chair. A cold rag and two apple juices later, I was good as new but still not quite sure I am cut out for all this!

We are headed back in four weeks to check the progress of Pistachio, but I think it is safe to say I have never seen my family so enthralled with such a tiny little thing. After our appointment, Emily and I went and did a little baby shopping. Mom and Joshua joined us later (for the second trip to Babies R Us), and we finished our day at our family’s favorite Mexican restaurant in Broken Arrow, El Tequila, for dinner. Enjoy some silly pictures from our day!

Mom and Dad want to carry on the Lester family tradition of buying a crib for the grandbaby. Joshua and I liked this set. The bed can transitition to a todller bed and then to a full size bed. The color is fairly close to the molding in the nursery. Yes, I called the room a nursery. Joshua called that room the nursery since we moved in. I have called it the guest room. Until now, I guess.

I bought this onesie because I thought Joshua's mom would really like it since she loves bumble bees. It has a bee on the front of it and says, "I'm what the buzz is all about." Pretty darn cute. Emily bought one too (after an exceedingly awkward encounter with a flamboyant employee of Baby Gap), but for some reason, I couldn't get the picture to load. It is white and has an apple on the front of it with a green worm poking out. It says, "Hello World."

Emily and I decided to test the durability of this stroller in Babies R Us. Notice how Emily is pretending to sleep while being pushed around the store. It really is a wonder we didn't get asked to leave the premises.

Again, notice the expression on my mother's face. She is such a happy and cute future G-Ma!


Unknown said...

The picture of Emily in the stroller made me laugh out loud for a good three minutes. (Note to self: don't read the Bristow blog in the computer lab at school anymore.)

We couldn't be happier for you & Joshua, and we are eagerly awaiting the day that we can buy Pistachio Almond a drum set or fire engine, because what kind of cousins would we be if we didn't encourage your child to drive you crazy?

Again, congratulations, & much love.


eklester said...

Recommended weight limit of for the stroller: 57 lbs. HA. Clearly its more durable than that.