Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Beautiful Boy

Just wanted to post a few more pictures of our beautiful boy we took over the past week...

Sitting in his boppy pillow...

Mom is now officially "Nonna" (like her name, Donna with an "n"). So, this is Nonna holding her grandboy Grandad walking and rocking the boy to sleep...

Little eyes peaking over Grandad's shoulder...
Bright-eyed for Nonna...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Baby Jackson's First Week of Life

Joshua and I welcomed our son, Jackson James Allison, at 5:57 PM on Friday, August 28, 2009. He weighed 7 lbs. and was 18.25 inches long. He has a little blonde hair and blue eyes. Thank you to our precious family and friends for all of the love, support, food, and laundry during the past ten days! Here are some of the first photos of his first week of life:

Joshua and his Grammy Evelyn holding Jackson. She brought us delicious homemade soup and banana bread during her visit!
Grammy Evelyn and her great grandson, Jackson James.

My parents and the happy grandparents looking at our beautiful boy...

His outfit has Darth Vader on it and says, "My Dad Rules the Galaxy." Clearly, this is Joshua's favorite baby outfit.

Grandma Donna gives Jackson his second bath!
Both of the my boys sleeping on the couch....

I hesitated to post any naked baby pictures, but this look of distress during bath time is classic Jackson. Look at his wrinkled forehead!

My Meme and Papa hold their great grandson...

Auntie Em holds her new nephew...
Auntie Em (in my TU hoodie) snuggles her nephew. He loved Auntie Em (and the soft, fluffy sweatshirt).
Precious Sleeping Boy...
Tummy time with Dad

Grandma Janelle gives Jack-Jack his morning bath

Grandma Donna makes a return visit to the farm to see her boy...

Handsome Jack